These advanced Pulsors® are finely tuned to the mental frequencies. They are typically used in more advanced therapeutic balancing.
Many users report positive results when using these Pulsors® to counteract the disruptive effects of wifi energy. Most often they are placed on the modem and router and additionally on the computer CPU (one Pulsor® on each device. Some sensitive individuals will wear a set as well.
The Ultima Series Pulsor® is designed for Automatic Balancing of the Vortex Energy Polarity Centers® and contains the full spectrum of frequencies. The Theta and Delta are intended to address the distortions and constant movement of the Mind by slowing down the brain wave frequencies. In Balancing the Vortex Energy Polarity Centers®, the Theta & Delta Pulsors are designed to “freeup” the rigid Mind and its distorted patterns. When the mind and brain waves are quiet, balance will automatically begin. Most of all, the tension relaxation of our muscles and emotions on a cellular level is affects the mitogenesis functions of our physical organs. This is a significant cause of our organic cellular disease disharmony.
The Advanced Super Infra Ultima Theta Pulsor® functions at higher, more subtle frequencies, which are beyond the scope of the other series of Pulsor®. It is suggested to use the Pulsor® Series I, II, and III first to release the many layers of blocked energy in the body.
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