Pulsor® Primordials Set of 3

The Primordial Pulsor® is for use in Balancing the Vortex Energy Polarity Centers®. When they are used in Pulsor® Balancings, they can help relax the mind, emotions, and body, possibly promoting a deep sleep. They can also be used in conjunction with other Pulsors. It is suggested to use the Pulsor® Series I, II, and III first to release the many layers of blocked energy in the body.

  1. Helps balance and release energetic discord accumulated through one’s life experience.
  2. Can help to relax Mind, Body and Emotions, helping one feel lighter and clearer.
  3. One may be given a taste of what it feels like to be in a natural “primordial” state – a state of pure energy.
  4. Very helpful in enhancing one’s meditation practice.




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