Think about it, hasn’t every place you’ve ever been to had a flavor or character to it that is unique?
What I’ve discovered is that properties, just like people, animals and plants, flourish when they are invited to be co-creators with us through being heard, being invited to play with us. as partners in progress and creativity. There is an intelligence to everything around us that can come forward when we know it’s there and have the intention of tuning into the wisdom of a place. A loving heart and hand always bring out the best in anything they touch. Changes which are made that are individual rather than done in a cookie-cutter or forced way produce a living experience that is more personal to you. Also there is a relationship between a property owner or tenant and the property that is more intimate simply because that person has more responsibility and contact with the property than others do; as a result it’s more likely that very specific details that can lead to improvement are more easily accessed by the resident.
Here is a simple process to communicate with the place you live or work in. You may find that some of what is whispered to you may surprise you, as well as make things easier for you in whatever improvement you are contemplating.
1 Begin by sitting or lying comfortably, clearing your mind and awareness of any preoccupations. Breathe slowly and steadily, relaxing easily into an inner quiet – this will help you to be in a receptive state.
2 Be aware of what it is you are wanting to accomplish on your property. Perhaps you want to do some remodeling, redecorating or repairs. You might be going through a transition with work, or relationship, or a new baby and want to have your home be as functional and supportive as possible for this shift. You may have some persistent issues of disorganization or disharmony that you’d like to understand and resolve. Maybe you just want to expand into an even greater experience of satisfaction and well-being. Whatever your purpose for the communication, be aware of that now. Don’t try to figure out how you can get the result you want, just be aware of the goal you have in mind. The idea is that you are in a co-creative relationship with the place you live or work in and you’re opening a collaboration.
3 Have an intention to connect with the wisdom and intelligence of your home or property. When you feel connected and in rapport, describe in your mind and awareness what it is that you would like support for as though you are speaking to a friend who has your best interests at heart.
This support from the wisdom of a place often comes in the form of intuitive nudges to do tasks in a particular order, direction to address something you may not even have been aware of, inspirational ideas, a sense of people you could work with, and so forth. Pay attention to whatever you receive even if it doesn’t make much sense to you. It’s even possible that an even better idea will come to you. When you feel complete you can express some gratitude for the help you’ve been given.
4 Next, investigate what you’ve been shown and see what comes of the experiment. Simply participating and acting on guidance can be illuminating and helpful. Acting on the guidance builds trust and understanding.
Over time, this communication with your house / work place and the lot can be repeated in a formal or informal manner depending upon what works best for you. You can take fifteen minutes or any comfortable length of time. You can always update. Part of your communication can include that it is NOW, and the building and land can release any frequencies held from prior periods that slow down the energy. We’re in a “faster” period now, and any held frequencies drag down the ambient energy field. Remember to view this as simple and easy. Don’t assume obstacles where there aren’t inherently any there.
This process came to me spontaneously one day in a home I rented several years ago. I had lived in the home for a few months and made a lot of conventional improvements, applied feng shui formulas, and they had all been effective to a degree. Still, the energy felt unbalanced in some way I couldn’t put my finger on. It occurred to me that perhaps I could just inwardly “ask” for assistance from the place itself. I sat, got quiet inside myself, and put forth the inquiry. I was soon aware of the west side of the house where I seldom went because outside the house there was just a narrow walkway strip between the building and some tall hedges along an upper slope. Casually looking at it, there wasn’t all that much other than hedge and dirt path to see, but after this process I decided I would act on what I was given. I started to notice some irregularities in the surface of the ground that I hadn’t seen before. I got a shovel and started to dig a little bit and I found a lot of pieces of old roofing material that must have been discarded years earlier and covered with dirt over time. I began to dig out and discard all the pieces. When I was through I noticed that the property felt simpler, fresher, more clarified and friendly. There was more life to it. The heaviness I had felt had lifted substantially. The buried materials had left a dull, more confused and lifeless feeling, blocking the natural resonance of the earth. When I had tried earlier to figure out where this feeling had come from I had no idea that all that old junk was buried by the house, so this really was a gift that came from my asking for help.
In truth, we’re all connected to and an integral part of the whole, which makes it hard to say exactly “whose” perception and wisdom one is listening to. Only a small percentage of our total overall perception reaches our conscious mind most of the time, which means that an increased receptivity to help may be allowing our own environmental intelligence to have a voice.
There are lots of stories out there about people who have special communication with places. A few decades ago, stories written from the founders of Findhorn in Scotland brought forth the awareness that some individuals had the gift of being able to communicate with the subtle presence of the “devas” of particular plants or places in order to improve the health of plants and soil, and increase the yield. Cultures around the world have had intuitive ways of tapping this kind of guidance. It does not take a special gift to do this, however – what it really requires is an intention and receptivity to relate to and respect the wisdom of all things, and that we are all connected in a mutually supportive way. Guidance will come to you in a way that suits who and where you are.