Incandescent Bulbs are Best: The Health Concerns of Lighting with LED Lights

I have yet to use an LED light source, whether it’s a bulb, a nightlight or the screen on a computer or phone, that has made me feel comfortable. There’s both a harshness to the light and a felt sense that I’m not getting something I need.

My body just doesn’t like LED lighting, so I found it fascinating to read in the transcript of the interview link [below] that this ‘harshness’ and feeling of something missing is exactly accurate in the scientific analysis of LED light.

Light quality is one of the basics, along with air, water, food, and shelter, in terms of environmental factors. I would like to urge everyone to listen to the interview in the link below, or read the transcript, of photobiology expert Dr. Alexander Wunsch by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

The interview contains a very detailed comparison of the way incandescent and LED lightbulbs work, including the unexpected health benefits of incandescent lighting and some significant health risks from LED generated light. There is plenty of science contained in the interview, so to really grasp what Dr. Wunsch is saying it may be more effective to read the transcript.

From Dr. Wunsch:  “I call these LEDs – I like to call them Trojan horses because they appear so practical to us. They appear to have so many advantages. They save energy; they are solid state, very robust, for example. So we invited them into our homes. But we are not aware that they have hidden properties, which are harmful to our system, harmful to our mental health, harmful to our retinal health, and also harmful to our hormonal health or endocrine health.”



The interview includes a discussion of what lighting is the healthiest and why.

When I started to investigate lighting a number of years ago, LED was considered to be the better alternative to incandescent compared to Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFLs) because of the lower EMF emissions, lack of radio frequency emissions, and of course LEDs don’t contain mercury and are not a biohazard. However, as a health choice LED lighting is a poor source of lighting compared with good old-fashioned incandescent light, as the interview with Dr. Wunsch makes abundantly clear. 

A huge benefit of incandescent is that – as Dr. Wunsch describes in detail – the lighting spectrum from incandescent bulbs includes infrared light. Infrared light, particularly “near infrared” light, is healing. Without it, our bodies would not be able to repair. Take that in for a minute.

Important points to remember from the interview:

Light is food. Consider that our cells and overall biology are driven by photons, or light. The quality of light as well as a balance within the total rainbow of the light spectrum is essential for health. Many if not most of us are living our days inside buildings with artificial light, or staring at computers or smart phones with LED screens directly affecting our eyes and brains. Light regulates the brain, which regulates the circadian rhythm governing our ability to rest and repair. Without quality light, health, mental acuity, emotional balance, quality of sleep,energy level, etc. all decline to a degree. Living in inferior lighting is like eating junk food and expecting to stay in good health without the proper building blocks of health.

In the face of all the information out there about dangers from electromagnetic frequencies, toxic chemicals, water pollution, and so on, I still don’t like to be an alarmist. Living in fear of one’s environment is toxic in itself. There are many solutions or ways to improve the health-supporting capacity of one’s environment when a person takes responsibility for that, becomes more educated and acts on their behalf. At this point in our understanding of environmental issues and solutions, there is a wealth of information and healthy resources available. Every step towards greater health contributes to a powerful cumulative effect.

What if you already have LED lighting and you want to be able to keep it, either because you like the look of it or the money savings? As the interview points out, the main thing we want is to increase time in natural light and avoid over-exposure to LEDs, to too much blue light and the constant flicker and absence of life-giving infrared light, especially late in the day. Here are some simple ways to co-exist with your LEDs without over-exposing yourself:

Soak in the beneficial rays – it’s an easy way to increase quality of life.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote awareness regarding certain environmental phenomena and knowledge of related research, physiologic consequences and potential solutions. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a symptom, medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Reliance on any information appearing on this website is solely at your own risk.

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