Category: Uncategorized

A Feng Shui Communication Technique

Partnering with Your Home for Transformational Improvements – A Feng Shui Communication Technique

Houses and properties have a certain presence to them. Each one is unique in different ways. When we want to improve something about our homes we tend to think of ourselves as fashioning a particular quality of environment thru doing something “to” the property, and that the structure and the land are things we act upon. As it happens, there’s a whole world of possibility that opens up through interacting with the “beingness” of our environment.

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Using Feng Shui to Reach Higher Ground

Using Feng Shui to Reach Higher Ground

Every individual and culture is deeply influenced by the structures they inhabit to live and work in. A history of the world which tracks the effects of indigenous
architecture design – from the individual dwelling to community and nation planning – and all these influences over time would describe most of the scope of human experiences

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Children and Feng Shui

Children and Feng Shui

The feng shui of a home has a big influence on our children. Although the emphasis in a child’s life is different than that of an adult, children benefit from all the same principles that help to create health and harmony for adults.

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How Reducing the Metal in Your Bedroom May Help You Rest

How Reducing the Metal in Your Bedroom May Help You Rest

Sleep is central to health and balance in every part of life. There are many ways to use Feng Shui to improve sleep quality, but it’s worth paying attention to one particular way to improve your sleep environment which is usually missed:  removing items made from metal from the bedroom.

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Sacred Lives, Sacred Places

Sacred Lives, Sacred Places

This is not about what we usually think of as sacred sites or power places, those singular spots on the planet where pyramids, You-Are-here-300x199pilgrimage routes and healing waters are found. This is an invitation to look at “sacred” from a very different angle of vision: the sacred life of every person, every day and in every place, thru the reflective lens of feng shui.

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Entrance Feng Shui

Make An Entrance

entrance (noun):
An opening, such as a door, passage, or gate, that allows access to a place.
an act or instance of going or coming in
the coming of an actor or performer onto a stage
the right, means, or opportunity to enter somewhere or be a member of an institution, society, or other body

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Protection from Smart Meters

Protection from Smart Meters

“Smart Meters”, which communicate digital signals of usage of electricity, gas or water back to t utility, have been increasingly installed in many areas in the US and abroad over the past few years.  

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At the Heart of Organizing

At the Heart of Organizing

Clutter-clearing and organizing are a big part of feng shui, no doubt about it.  There are all sorts of practical systems out there to help with getting and staying organized, and they do work if they’re a good fit for the organizing style you have inherently.

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Pulsor Cyber Monday Sale

Up to 35% off!

The holiday season is here, and we’re thrilled to celebrate with you! As we reflect on over 54 years of Pulsor® excellence, we’re excited to offer an Exclusive Pulsor® Cyber Monday to show our appreciation for your continued support. This is your chance to enjoy incredible discounts on our renowned Pulsor® products and take your energy harmony to the next level!