Category: Pulsor®

How Pulsor Works Pulsor Review

Pulsors® Really Work – A Testimonial

This testimonial was sent to me by one of my happy Pulsor customers. This person, like so many, is quite knowledgeable about health, had concerns about the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on his health, and had tried other products which were intended to protect from EMF hazards.

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How Reducing the Metal in Your Bedroom May Help You Rest

How Reducing the Metal in Your Bedroom May Help You Rest

Sleep is central to health and balance in every part of life. There are many ways to use Feng Shui to improve sleep quality, but it’s worth paying attention to one particular way to improve your sleep environment which is usually missed:  removing items made from metal from the bedroom.

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Feng Shui Tips for Selling Your Home

Moving On – Feng Shui Tips for Selling Your Home

Selling a house and moving involves many dimensions that are both financial and personal.  It makes sense to consider several different points of view to create and apply a strategy for a successful sale.  Realtors, property stagers and various assessors generally cover the basics of a building sale effectively, and yet there are often homes that sit on the market for some time.  Feng Shui includes a broad spectrum of tools that have been used successfully to sell many properties.

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What is “Chi”

“Chi” + Coherence = Vitality

Coherence sounds like something rather dry and academic, but what it means is an underlying unifying whole.  We see it everywhere in the natural world – it’s responsible for the seasons, the beauty of the rose and regularity of the ocean tides.  

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Pulsor Cyber Monday Sale

Up to 35% off!

The holiday season is here, and we’re thrilled to celebrate with you! As we reflect on over 54 years of Pulsor® excellence, we’re excited to offer an Exclusive Pulsor® Cyber Monday to show our appreciation for your continued support. This is your chance to enjoy incredible discounts on our renowned Pulsor® products and take your energy harmony to the next level!